On Wednesday nights my kids go to AWANA. It is a club at our church, kind of like Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. I have been thinking about what to bring for my group of little guys for Valentines Day. Today a great idea struck me!
A few weeks ago I bought these in the Dollar Section of Target:
I knew they would make a cute Valentine theme for the boys, but besides that I really didn't know what else I would do. I also had several of these that I had planned to make into cute Christmas projects for them.

Unfortunately we didn't have AWANA right before Christmas, so the gifts were still here at my house. So, I needed to repurpose them for Valentines Day. To keep with the robot theme, I got out this set of stamps:
I have to admit, a lot of boy themes can be pretty boring. These are not boring. They are SO cute! You can interchange all of these robot parts to make a million different robots. They are really cool!
I went online in search of some clever Valentine wording for robots. There isn't too much out there. I did see one Valentine with this wording:
I thought that was cute and appropriate for a group of Kindergarten boys, so I found a cool font on the computer and printed it out. Next, I used the coloring sheet that came with my Christmas mugs to know where to cut my new paper to size.
Once my paper was cut, it was easy to see what size I needed to make my robot stamps.
These clear stamps and stamp blocks are so easy to use. I could see exactly if my impression would fit in the space or not. It made the whole process so easy. I stamped my robots onto the page and came up with this:
I hate to toot my own horn, but these are so stinkin cute! I used the copier feature on my printer to make the additional copies I needed.
I purposely kept hearts off of these...we are talking Valentines for 5 and 6 year old boys. I figured there will be hearts on other parts of this gift, so I would keep their mug more boy friendly.

This guys is my favorite.

Why thank you Mr. Robot. I think you are great too!

This guys smile makes him look like he is up to something.

I can't wait to see what they look like with all the other Valentine goodies put with it...or how they look when the boys have colored them in!
I am linking up here:

Dear H, I love all the posts, especially ones that include pics of the kiddos. But,I'd have to say the sand dollar frame post was among my faves. I love all the posts that include how to make those pennant banners, which are something I've always been intimidated to make. I follow you on bloglovin.com.