While I am waiting, I thought I would show you another project that I did to help keep us organized around here. We live in a small place. Maybe small isn't the word...teeny tiny is better. So I am always trying to figure out the best way to store things and keep our clutter contained.
This Christmas I became obsessed with having an old sled to hang on my wall. It all started when a friend had one up in her house. Oh...I wanted one so badly. Unfortunately, Southern California is not exactly oozing with antique sleds...or sleds at all. I have bought sleds when we go to the mountains to play in the snow. There are even a few types to choose from. But they are certainly not something you would ever want to display on your wall.
On a trip to Home Goods I found a good alternative. It is not a real sled, but a wooden toboggan looking piece that has metal shelves on it. I love it! Cute and functional...just what you need in a tiny house. I also loved that I would easily be able to detach the shelves to use year round. And I found the perfect place to attach them...

...right on the side of my bookshelf where I store art stuff. They fit perfectly. Great storage and it is using what was unusable space. I added numbers cut from vinyl on my Cricut.

Each of us has our own bin with our own number. I knew it would be a great place to put magazines or school papers, but I had no idea how easily the kids would start putting their things in there. It is amazing. How come they can get their things into this bin but can't figure out that their dirty clothes go in the hamper?? One of life's great mysteries.