Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine Initial Necklaces

Michaels Craft Store has broken my heart. Yep. Broken my heart. I am sure you have seen their fantastic Dollar Section...or what used to be the Dollar Section. After Christmas, it suddenly became the $1.50 section. What?

Ok, I realize the economy is bad. But I am tired of paying for the bad economy. Literally, paying for the bad economy. I am tired of getting less for my dollar.

Don't get me wrong, I am still shopping the "Dollar-Fifty" Section at Michaels. But it is painful. I am much more cautious of my purchase, and I think of how I am paying 50% more every time I look at the products. Ouch! Michaels...the Dollar Store still manages to charge $1 despite the poor economy...why oh why do you hurt us this way?

Alright, enough of the drama. I did find a cool product there the other day:

How cute are these little initial necklaces? You can't see it on the black backing, but the chain is a little black chain. The initials come in all sorts of colors, but I was lucky to find the initials I needed both in pink...perfect for Valentine's Day!

All I did was add the off white paper to the top to personalize the packaging a bit more. I added a black mat to coordinate with the existing package and a personalized message to the girls. They turned out so sweet!

Remember, love is in the details. What kind of details are you adding to your Valentine's Day celebration?

1 comment:

I absolutely love to get comments! Drop me a note and let me hear what you think. Thanks. -Heidi